- Stationary Power Plant Installation - Stationary Power Plant planned and emergency maintenance - Overhauls Lining of M/E and applications with CHOCKFAST - M/E & D/G Overhauls - Cylinder honing in-site - Crankshaft grinding up to 6.5 mt - Repairs & Automation of Boilers - Renewal of valves & sits - Renewal of pistons - To erect power plants (LPG-DG-Gas Turbine-Coal Fired Steam Turbine) - To install and operate Gas Pump Stations and to secure services - Plazma coating-Eng. block and others parts
- We are your reliable partner, when it comes to service, repair and maintenance. - We ensure the availability of our service engineers 24/7. - We offer a full range of services: Installation, commissioning and testing - SOLAS LSA Inspections Chapter III Regulation 20.3.1 and Regulation / IMO MSC Circular 1093 / SOLAS MSC.1/Circ.1206 - Msc.402(96) & MSC404(96)